
Changing driver habits helped Cappagh Browne reduce accidents and build a top-flight safety culture

February 19, 2025

construction workers in orange safety equipmen looking at pipe in demolition site.

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Cappagh Browne are experts in wastewater network maintenance. Covering the south of England from Kent to the New Forest – and responsible for a network of 40,000km of waste pipes – they pride themselves on having the quickest response times in the industry. But ask anyone what their number one priority is, and they’ll all say the same: safety. 

Here, Matt Reid, Head of Plant & Transport, discusses how innovative technology, a focus on driver education, and a culture of positive reinforcement has helped Cappagh Browne transform safety standards, reduce accidents, and ensure every employee gets home safely.

The Importance of safety

When we first started talking to Samsara, we weren’t there to discuss safety. Instead, we wanted to replace our existing vehicle tracking solution. It was a real problem for us. Things were so bad, our previous tracking solution provider didn’t actually show us where our vehicles were.

But when we sat down with our account manager – and they explained what the Samsara platform could give us – our eyes were opened to what was possible. We saw the benefits of focusing on safety – on educating and promoting what we do with our drivers. That was a game-changer. Samsara did things we hadn’t even thought about, and no one else could come close. That was the moment everything changed for us as a business. 

Keeping things simple

Safety doesn’t have to be complicated. At the end of the day, all our drivers want to do is to go home to their families when they clock off. They’re all trying to go home to someone. That’s it.

In this business, we spend a lot of time focusing on the guys digging the holes and on what they’re doing on-site to keep them safe. And that’s really important. But no one really looks at the drivers getting to work and back home. That’s where we’ve been able to step in. Thanks to Samsara – and their dual-facing cameras, in-cab nudges, and coaching tools – we’re now making sure they’re as safe getting there and back as they are on the job.

Education is an important part of securing a cultural shift 

In my job, you get to learn a thing or two about people and their habits. So, here’s something I’ve noticed. When it comes to problem areas, it’s fair to say that drivers over 45 – well, they’re more likely not to wear seatbelts. And when it comes to drivers under 45 – well, they tend to have their phones glued to their hands. 

Ok. So, that may be a generalisation, but I’m sure other people in my shoes will have found the same thing. 

That’s why we’ve started showing them the consequences of not wearing seatbelts or being distracted while driving. Why? Because we want to try and correct those habits. I’ll play videos –  like one where a lorry driver was changing his music at 56 miles an hour and collided with a family. The kids died. The driver died. It was terrible. Things like that are pit-of-the-stomach terrible. Heartbreaking. 

But when you show them what can happen if they don’t prioritise safety, most of them do change their behaviour. It’s not about discipline – it’s about having a real conversation with drivers. And it works. I’ve had drivers come up to me and say, “I don’t pick my phone up anymore.” That’s how you change behaviour.

Encouraging drivers to be safety-conscious is the recipe for success 

When we installed the cameras back in January 2024, I’ll admit I went a bit gung-ho. I was tough on the drivers – probably too tough. In some cases, I found myself going toe-to-toe with some of them to try and force them to change. But that wasn’t the right way to do it.

 What’s worked, instead, is rewarding good behaviour. So instead of imposing safety, we also look to encourage safety. I’ve gone to our teams and I’ve handed out cash from my own pocket and given them vouchers for breakfasts – and all as part of efforts to recognise our top-performing drivers. Positive reinforcement has worked. They know we’re watching, but they also know we appreciate when they’re doing things right.

The results speak for themselves

In the 12 months before Samsara, we clocked up 34 at-fault accidents. This year, it’s four. Or to put it another way, our at-fault claims have dropped by 88% in a year. That’s not by chance. It’s because of what we’ve been able to achieve with the technology and a shift in proactive coaching.

With connected training, we can report on what’s going wrong and fix it before it gets worse. It’s been a massive saver for us, not just in money, but in lives and injuries avoided. Make no mistake – this is a big deal for us.

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