live | Safety – 45 minutes

Empower Your Workforce with a Mobile-First Experience

Oct 17th 10AM PT | 1PM ET

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Your people are your most important asset. So, how can you help them feel more safe, productive, and engaged at every moment of their day?

It’s no secret that mobile technology is increasingly indispensable to creating a modern and seamless employee experience.

Join to learn how Samsara’s suite of easy-to-use and customizable mobile solutions can help you:

  • Go paperless with intuitive e-logs, DVIRs, routes, and more–all in one app

  • Boost driver engagement with step-by-step workflows and performance scores

  • Tailor the mobile experience to improve employee productivity and satisfaction

Michelle Liang Samsara

Michelle Liang, Product Marketing Manager, Samsara

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