Last Updated: May 31, 2024
Samsara - Modern Slavery Statement
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Samsara Inc., along with its direct and indirect subsidiaries (together, “Samsara”), is the pioneer of the Connected Operations Cloud. Our mission is to increase the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of the operations that power the global economy – from transportation and logistics to construction, food preparation, energy, and manufacturing, as well as many others. Samsara’s portfolio of complete Internet of Things ("IoT") solutions combines hardware, software, and cloud to bring real-time visibility, analytics, and AI to operations.
Samsara is committed to ethics, compliance, and integrity in its operations. Our core values and principles are central to how we conduct business with our customers and partners, and how we foster a culture of inclusivity, teamwork, trust, and respect. Samsara supports fundamental human rights as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and core International Labour Organisation Conventions and recognises the duty of States to protect human rights and the responsibility of businesses to respect human rights.
Business Operations and Supply Chains
Samsara has business operations in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Taiwan, England, France, Germany, Poland, and the Benelux region. As of the last business day of the fiscal year ended February 3, 2024, we had 2,895 employees. The business is primarily office-based, with the main supply chain categories comprising technology, premises, financial and other professional services and business travel. Our IoT devices are made using a primarily outsourced manufacturing business model that utilizes joint design manufacturers, most of whom produce our devices in their facilities in Taiwan, with secondary locations such as Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Thailand.
Based on sector, industry, and supply chain profile, the risk of modern slavery within our operations is considered to be relatively limited.
Policies, Programs and Principles
Samsara aims to identify and mitigate the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking occurring within its supply chain or business operations. Samsara has an established set of policies and procedures that govern the way it operates. These are relevant to how Samsara manages potential human rights- related issues regarding its employees and supply chain, and include:
Code of Conduct;
Business Partner Code of Conduct;
Environmental Policy;
Anti-Harassment/Discrimination, and Retaliation, Reporting and Workplace Investigations Policy;
Customer and Partners Interactions & Escalation Policy;
Employment Screening Program;
Equal Employment Opportunities and Diversity & Inclusion Program;
Whistleblower Program; and
Supplier Procurement Program.
Samsara’s financial crime compliance framework, incorporating Anti-Money Laundering and Anti- Bribery, Corporate Criminal Offence, and Corruption policies (such as for the FCPA and UK Bribery Act), includes procedures for detecting, mitigating and managing the risks of financial crime. Any proceeds arising from instances of human trafficking would be classified as the proceeds of crime and managed under the compliance framework.
Samsara is committed to maintaining a safe workplace that values equal opportunity and that is free from discrimination, harassment, and victimisation. Samsara has robust policies and procedures concerning employment screening (including work eligibility checks), employment conditions and appropriate workplace behaviour. All staff are expected to abide by the spirit, as well as the strict requirements, of those policies and procedures outlined in the Samsara Code of Conduct.
Samsara endeavours to support human rights through the supply chain by encouraging supplier practices that actively identify, assess and manage human rights issues.
Samsara's Business Partner Code of Conduct articulates Samsara's requirements for suppliers. We expect our supply chain partners to comply with labor, human rights, environmental, and ethical standards.
Our joint design manufacturers provide annual corporate social responsibility reports that include commitments to safe working conditions, ethical treatment of workers and material partners, and environmentally responsible practices. Samsara collects certification from its foreign suppliers of adherence to United States trade policies, including avoiding banned suppliers or conflict sources. These practices are reviewed annually by Samsara employees on site at our key supplier locations.
Reporting and Training
All staff have access to internal channels for reporting suspected incidents of modern slavery and human trafficking, including in-person access to Samsara's legal and compliance teams as well as an anonymous reporting system.
Environmental and social risk training will be provided to staff in key risk functions and business groups. Environmental and social risk and anti-money laundering requirements are also integrated into Samsara’s onboarding process for all employees.
In the coming year, Samsara intends to:
Continue to deliver training to risk managers and specific business groups with potential exposure to environmental and social risks; and
Continue to provide all new employees with face-to-face and/or online training in relation to the Code of Conduct.
Continuous Improvement
Samsara will review and enhance its approach to addressing modern slavery risks within its supply chain and parts of its business operations by:
Continuing to assess modern slavery risks in Samsara’s supply chain and to continue to require suppliers to abide by its Business Partner Code of Conduct;
Continuing to assess human rights and modern slavery risks as part of our compliance framework; and
Continuing to train all staff on Samsara’s Code of Conduct.
Remediation Measures
As of the date of this statement, Samsara has not identified any instances of forced labour or child labour in its business or supply chains. As such, no remediation measures were taken.
Remediation Measures for Loss of Income
As of the date of this statement, Samsara has not identified any loss of income to the most vulnerable families that results from any measures taken to eliminate the use of forced labour or child labour in its activities and supply chains. As such, no measures to remediate loss of income were taken.
Assessing Effectiveness
To date, Samsara has not assessed the effectiveness of its actions in preventing and reducing risks of modern slavery in its activities and supply chain. As Samsara implements further measures to prevent and mitigate such risks, it will monitor and review performance to assess the effectiveness of any actions taken.
This Modern Slavery Statement is made on behalf of Samsara Inc., for the fiscal year ended February 3, 2024, pursuant to Section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and Section 11 of the Canadian Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act. It will be updated at least annually. Pursuant to Paragraph 11(4)(a) of the Canadian Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act, this Statement was approved by the Board of Directors of Samsara Inc.
Signed by: /s/ Sanjit Biswas
Name: Sanjit Biswas
Title: Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer & Chairman of the Board of Directors
Date: May 31, 2024