August 7, 2023

Product End-of-Life (EOL) Policy

What is Product End-of-Life (EOL)?

Samsara may find it necessary to discontinue products for a number of reasons, including product line enhancements, market demands, technology innovation, or the products simply mature over time and are replaced by functionally richer products. When Samsara decides to end the sale of a product, the product enters the End-of-Life (EOL) phase, which refers to when a product is retired from the market.

End of life image diagram Samsara

Samsara is committed to communicating important milestones throughout the product’s retirement (EOL) phase. These notifications will include the End of Sale announcement, the End of Support date, as well as other key information pertaining to Samsara products.

Samsara End-of-Life Dates

Below outlines our major dates during the End-of-Life phase:

End-of-Sale Date: This is the last date to order the product through Samsara point-of-sale outlets. After this date, the product is no longer available for sale or trial via any channel. Notice is typically provided to all customers with active licenses 1 week prior to the End of Sale date.

End-of-Support Date: This is the last date a product will be affirmatively supported by Samsara (hardware, software, or firmware components). After this date, there will be no more software updates or fixes, technical support, hardware repairs or returns. End of Support dates are subject to change and are published and updated on Samsara’s EOL website.

Standard EOL Policies after End of Sale Date, before End of Support Date

  • Product Support: Samsara will continue to support existing customers EOL products after End of Sale Date until the End of Support Date, provided a valid license contract is maintained continuously on the product. After the End of Sale Date, there will be no new firmware features supported, but Samsara will continue to support and fix current product features until the End of Support date.

  • Active Trials: Customers with active trials extending past End of Sale may choose to purchase the installed trial units. The remainder of an in-progress sales order may be fulfilled with a comparable product, in Samsara’s sole discretion.

  • Hardware Upgrade: After End of Sale, if a customer requests an upgrade of the product to its successor, purchase of the successor hardware is required unless otherwise determined by Samsara.

  • Return Merchandise Authorizations (RMAs): All hardware that is not available for replacement, repair or in-warranty return, including products in End of Sale, are subject to the Terms of Service and Hardware Warranty and RMA Policy

  • Renewal after End of Sale: Customers can renew licenses after the End of Sale date up to the End of Support date.

For more details on Samsara’s End-of-Life (EOL) policies & specific EOL products, please visit our EOL guide here that includes a list of all our EOL products.