Dual-Facing AI Dash Cam

An intelligent, AI-powered, driver- and road-facing dash cam.

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Hero Ramussen Case Study Image

See how The Rasmussen Group uses AI-powered solutions to improve driver and worksite safety.



Gain visibility into critical safety events

  • Video Retrieval

    Streamline incident reviews, facilitate insurance claims, and exonerate drivers with on-demand video retrieval.

  • Driver Coaching
  • Safety Reporting

How it works

CM34 - Dual-Facing AI Dash Cam - How it works Image
AI Dash Cam

Capture HD video and identify risks in real-time with edge computing and in-cab audio alerts

vehicle gateway
vehicle gateway

4G LTE enabled gateway uploads video clips, GPS location, and diagnostics in real-time

Samsara Dashboard

Analyze video and safety data using the Connected Operations Cloud from any device

decorative pattern

Watch Video

Set up your dash cam in minutes.

Download Install Guide

The Dual-Facing AI Dash Cam has a locking mount to prevent tampering, an adjustable swivel, and no complex wiring. It can be installed using the Samsara Fleet App's Installation Flow.

Dual-Facing AI Dash Cam Datasheet