Descubra el mayor ecosistema de integraciones llave en mano diseñado para impulsar sus aplicaciones esenciales de terceros con Samsara para desbloquear el poder de las soluciones conectadas con datos en tiempo real para sus operaciones físicas.
Connect Samsara with 3,000+ apps available on Zapier, such as Quickbooks and Google Drive.
Automatically sync Samsara driver HOS logs with ADP to process driver payments more efficiently.
Fivetran is the trusted platform that extracts, loads and transforms the world's data.
eSquared provides tablets, vehicle mounts/cradles, application setup and provisioning, MDM lockdown software, cellular data plans, inst...
Connect Samsara for real-time visibility into vehicle location and driver hours of service as well as look-ahead route planning
Hyundai Translead, North America’s leading trailer manufacturer, offers HT LinkVue, a 360-degree view camera system that enhances drive...
Improve driver safety and planning with intelligent weather insights.
Monitor assets in Point of Rental by syncing Samsara AEMP data for both powered and unpowered gateways.