Customers > East Allen County Schools trains drivers in 2 hours and improves route performance with Samsara

East Allen County Schools trains drivers in 2 hours and improves route performance with Samsara

How East Allen County Schools improves route performance


  • 7,000 students

  • 132 daily routes

  • 66% saved in hardware costs


On days with driver shortages, East Allen County Schools (EACS) has to quickly adjust their route plans, find substitute drivers, and update parents. Without real-time GPS tracking and on-board route directions, it was challenging for drivers to execute unfamiliar routes and for dispatchers to monitor route progress.


EACS turned to Edulog and Samsara to simplify driver tools, improve route performance, and streamline parent communication. EACS replaced its hardwired telematics and custom tablets with Samsara Vehicle Gateways (VGs) and Samsung Android tablets. Routes plans are created and optimized with Edulog software. Drivers use the Samsara Driver App to view routes and conduct vehicle inspections, while staying connected with the high-speed WiFi hotspots that are built into every VG.


“For our district, the concept of installing apps on our own devices gives us expansion and communication avenues for our drivers like never before,” said Roger Miller, Transportation Manager at EACS. The use of off-the-shelf devices allowed EACS to deploy tablets at one-third the cost of other tablet hardware, while making it possible to train drivers in just two hours. With on-board driving directions, drivers complete unexpected runs quicker, resulting in better performance for students and parents.”

“We were able to optimize our route plans and move from hard-wired telematics devices to a driver-friendly, tablet-based solution. This solution helps us transport students safely and efficiently.”

— Roger Miller, Transportation Manager

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