On demand | Government – 50 minutes

Smart Technologies for SmartCities: Rubicon x Samsara

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Learn how government entities can run faster, more innovative, and more effective waste, recycling, and municipal fleet operations with Samsara and the RUBICONSmartCity platform, now part of Routeware. Join representatives from the City of Austin, Samsara, and Rubicon to explore how smart technologies have transformed city operations.

We'll cover how to:

  • Understand how municipalities gain buy-in from technology users, especially drivers

  • Gain valuable insights into implementing technology quickly and effectively

  • Learn how successful public entities maximize existing fleets and systems through integrations

  • Navigate challenges posed by inflation, supply chain disruptions, and high-interest rates


CJ Ramsey Headshot

CJ Ramsey, Senior Technical Product Marketing Manager, Samsara

Tyler Molinaro Rubicon Sr. Director Smart Cities

Tyler Molinaro, Sr. Director Smart Cities, Rubicon

Landre Wilson, Sr. IT Analyst, City of Austin

Landre Wilson, Sr. IT Analyst, City of Austin

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