Safety ROI Calculator
In a matter of minutes, you can estimate the impact of your fleet safety program with Samsara by inputting historical data relevant to your fleet, and estimating costs associated with your organization. Easily forecast projected savings from partnering with Samsara to build your fleet safety program.
Investment Details
Customer Fleet Data
To get started, input the relevant fleet & cost data specific to your organization. After entering # of Vehicles in Full Fleet, the remaining fields in the calculator will auto-populate using industry averages. You can override these fields with inputs specific to your fleet.
Fleet Size and Accident Rate
Get More Granular
If you have additional costs to account for in recognising ROI input them below (additional direct costs, insurance premiums, and opportunity cost).
Cost Assumptions
Input based on the number of vehicles you plan to install AI Dash Cams and Vehicle Gateways across your fleet.
Improvement Assumptions (w/ Samsara)
Input assumptions based on your safety program goals. Default values demonstrate improvements seen by many of your peers already leveraging Samsara.
All figures in (000's USD)
Base case
Direct Savings
Insurance Savings
Opportunity Cost Savings
Driver Turnover Savings
Total Safety Savings
Contract Value + Install