What is the ELD mandate?

February 21, 2025

What is the ELD Mandate?

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The ELD mandate is a government regulation that was passed as a way to ensure driver safety and to create an easier system to digitally track and manage records of duty status (RODS). Read our FAQ to learn what the new rules are, if they apply to your fleet, and how to adjust your operations to stay compliant.

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An overview of the ELD mandate

The ELD final rule is part of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) from Congress that went into effect in 2017. The ELD mandate is a government regulation that was passed as a way to ensure driver safety and to create an easier system to digitally track and manage records of duty status (RODS). The ELD mandate aims to annually avoid thousands of crashes, save lives by reducing drowsy driving, and save billions of dollars in paperwork expenses.

The ELD mandate includes provisions that are meant to prevent data tampering and driver harassment. It also outlines set procedures for data transfers so it's easier to demonstrate compliance and share RODS with safety officials.

The ELD mandate has two main phases. As of December 17, 2017, all vehicles subject to the ELD mandate must record Hours of Service electronically. The ELD device must comply with a set of regulations known as the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Regulation 49 CFR 395.15. All devices installed after this date must be ELDs, though existing automatic on-board recording devices (AOBRDs) may still be used.

The second phase of the ELD mandate took effect on December 17, 2019. By this time, data had to be recorded directly from the vehicle's engine and automatically transmitted to the Department of Transportation (DOT). This meant that all devices had to be ELDs, and AOBRDs no longer satisfied the mandate. Ongoing developments to the ELD mandate in 2024 and 2025 have focused on removing non-compliant devices, FMCSA revisions, and new state regulations.

Vehicles equipped with Samsara's ELD compliance solution can help you ensure compliance across all phases of the ELD mandate, including recent FMCSA updates in 2025.

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What is an electronic logging device (ELD)?

Electronic logging devices, also known as electronic logbooks or e-logs, connect to a vehicle's engine and automatically record driving time, providing a reliable and seamless way to gather ELD records on driver activity such as Hours of Service (HOS) data. ELD devices and some fleet management software have interfaces for drivers to set their duty status, complete daily logs for the number of hours driven, fulfill specific HOS requirements, and present electronic logs to officers performing roadside inspections.

Unlike previously available automatic on-board recorders (AOBRDs) and electronic on-board recorders (EOBRs), ELDs must connect directly to the vehicle's engine and monitor usage to ensure HOS records cannot be falsified. ELD devices must also be registered with and approved by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).

How does the ELD mandate affect hours of service (HOS)?

The ELD mandate does not change Hours of Service regulations. However, before the ELD mandate went into effect, drivers could use paper logs to track their Hours of Service. According to the FMCSA ELD mandate, all commercial motor vehicles must now employ registered ELD devices to track hours of service. Some of the most important HOS requirements include:

  • 11-Hour Driving Limit: Drivers may drive no more than 11 engine hours after 10 consecutive hours off duty.

  • 14-Hour On-Duty Limit: Drivers cannot drive beyond the 14th consecutive hour after coming on duty, following 10 hours off duty. Off-duty time does not extend the 14-hour period.

  • 30-Minute Break Requirement: Drivers must take a 30-minute break after 8 hours of driving time if they plan to continue driving.

  • 60/70-Hour Limit: Drivers may not drive after 60 hours on duty in 7 consecutive days or 70 hours on duty in 8 consecutive days. The "week" resets after taking 34 consecutive hours off duty (known as the 34-Hour Restart).

  • Sleeper Berth Provision: Drivers can split the required 10 hours off duty, as long as one off-duty period is at least 8 consecutive hours in the sleeper berth, with another separate 2-hour period either off-duty or in the sleeper berth.

What is the 14-hour rule?

The 14-hour rule is part of the HOS requirements for property-carrying commercial motor vehicles (CMV). It refers to the maximum amount of time a driver can be on duty. In most cases, CMV drivers must complete all driving-related work within 14 hours of their first on duty or driving segment. During this period of time, they may only drive up to 11 hours, and they must take a 30-minute break after driving for 8 engine hours. Before and after each 14-hour period, drivers must be off duty for a minimum of 10 consecutive engine hours.

Who must comply with the ELD mandate?

Drivers who operate a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) could be subject to the ELD rule. Commercial drivers who are required to maintain records of duty status (RODS) must comply with the ELD mandate.

CMVs are vehicles that are used for business purposes and travel interstate. In addition, they meet one of the following criteria:

  • Weigh more than 10,000 pounds

  • Have a gross vehicle weight rating or a gross combination weight rating of more than 10,000 pounds

  • Are designed to transport 16 or more non-paying passengers, including the driver

  • Are designed to transport 9 or more paying passengers, including the driver

  • Transport enough hazardous materials to legally require warning placards

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Who is exempt from the ELD rule?

There are two types of situations where drivers may be exempt from all, or parts, of the ELD rule.

  • Drivers who use short-haul, timecard exemptions do not need to keep records of duty status (RODS) or use ELDs.

  • Drivers who meet the following criteria do not need to use ELDs, but they still must keep RODS using paper logs, an automatic on-board recording device (AOBRD), or a logging software program:

    • Drivers who are required to keep RODS for 8 days or less within any 30-day period.

    • Drivers who are conducting driveaway-towaway operations where the vehicle is being delivered.

What exemptions are there for the ELD mandate?

The ELD mandate covers drivers and fleets across a wide range of industries, so there are several exemptions to account for the various use cases where electronic logging devices might be used. As of November 2024, there are a number of exemptions that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) specifies for the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) mandate, including:

Agriculture exemptions

There are several exemptions to the ELD mandate for agricultural transportation in 395.1:

  • Covered farm vehicles are exempt from HOS and commercial driver license (CDL) regulations if the vehicle is over 26,000 pounds and operated within a 150-mile air radius of the farm. Covered farm vehicles under this weight threshold are always exempt, no matter how far they travel.

  • Exemptions are granted during the planting and harvesting periods of each state.

  • Drivers who transport bees or livestock for interstate commerce are exempt from the required 30-minute break when there are animals on board.

16-Hour short-haul exemption

There are other exemptions for property-carrying drivers, like the 16-hour exemption in 395.1 (o). The 16-hour exemption applies to drivers who started and ended their day at the same work location for the past five days. Once per cycle, drivers may complete their 11 driver hours of driving within a shift of 16 driver hours, rather than the ordinary 14 driver hours.

Short-haul exemption

Short-haul drivers operating within a 150 air-mile radius of their normal work reporting location and who return to that location at the end of each workday are exempt from the ELD requirement. This exemption applies to both Commercial Driver's License (CDL) and non-CDL drivers, provided they do not exceed 14 hours on duty.

Driveaway-towaway operations

Drivers involved in driveaway-towaway operations, where the vehicle being driven is the commodity being delivered (such as transporting an empty vehicle for sale or repair), are exempt from using ELDs. This exemption also applies when transporting motorhomes or recreational vehicle trailers.

Pre-2000 model year vehicles

Commercial motor vehicles (CMV) with engines manufactured before the model year 2000 are exempt from the ELD mandate. This is due to the lack of necessary engine control modules in older engines to support ELDs.

Limited RODS usage

Drivers who maintain paper Records of Duty Status (RODS) for no more than 8 days within any 30-day period are not required to use ELDs. This exemption accommodates drivers with infrequent need for RODS.

ELD compliance for 2024-2025: Recent updates, key mandates, and FMCSA changes

Since its introduction in 2017, the ELD mandate continues to evolve to ensure compliance and safety across commercial transportation. Below are a few recent updates to the ELD mandate.

Recent developments to ELD compliance

  • Removal of non-compliant ELDs: In 2024, the FMCSA removed several ELDs from its list of registered devices due to non-compliance with technical standards. Samsara’s ELD solution remains compliant and FMCSA-registered across US and Canada.

  • State-level adoption: California implemented its own ELD mandate for intrastate commercial drivers, effective January 1, 2024. This aligns California state regulations with federal standards, requiring drivers operating solely within California to use ELDs for HOS recording.

Key updates to ELD compliance

  • FMCSA rule revisions: In response to industry feedback and emerging technologies, the FMCSA plans to propose revisions to the existing ELD rules. The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, expected by June 2025, will address several key areas, including:

    • Applicability of the ELD mandate to vehicles with pre-2000 engines.

    • Protocols for handling ELD malfunctions and timely reporting.

    • Streamlined procedures for removing non-compliant devices from FMCSA’s list.

    • Updates to technical specifications to improve device reliability and data accuracy.

  • State-specific compliance deadlines: Wisconsin has mandated that intrastate motor carriers and drivers adopt ELDs by April 1, 2025, to align with federal HOS recording standards. This upcoming deadline is part of a broader trend of US states adopting similar requirements to ensure consistency in HOS compliance. 

How Samsara helps you maintain ELD compliance

For short-haul and long-haul commercial fleets of various industries, Samsara’s ELD solution can help to streamline ELD management and maintain compliance. Samsara’s ELD solution is FMCSA-registered and third-party certified, making it possible for organizations to improve compliance, safety, and efficiency. Some key benefits include:

  • Simplify the driver experience with intuitive tools to stay safe and compliant.

  • Save time and prevent HOS violations with real-time insights and automated workflows.

  • Deploy ELD technology more easily and quickly with lower costs and more flexibility.

To learn more about how Samsara can help you remain compliant, explore our ELD compliance solution and get in touch with our team today.