Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) for Commercial Fleets

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) for Commercial Fleets

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One of the hottest topics in fleet safety today is Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). What exactly is ADAS? And how can ADAS technology benefit your fleet? In this article, learn about different types of ADAS systems. Plus, see why AI dash cams are one of the most effective ADAS applications for commercial fleets.

With such a rapid pace of innovation, it can be hard to keep up with ADAS developments and decide which new technologies to pursue. From forward collision warning (FCW) to adaptive cruise control (ACC), new ADAS technologies are developed every year. Though this innovation is fueled by research into self-driving cars, ADAS technology isn’t just for consumer vehicles. Your fleet can leverage ADAS technology across your fleet to improve driver safety, reduce accidents, and decrease costs.

Read on to learn about different types of ADAS systems and the ADAS technologies that fleet managers are adopting today. Plus, learn about one of the most effective ADAS applications for commercial fleets: AI dash cams.

What is ADAS?

ADAS stands for “Advanced Driver Assistance Systems,” a broad category of technologies that improve vehicle safety by helping drivers prevent or avoid accidents. There are a few different types of ADAS systems; some monitor and alert drivers to potential safety risks, whereas others take action to prevent impending accidents. Some of the most popular ADAS technologies include adaptive cruise control (ACC), traffic sign recognition (TSR), and forward collision warning (FCW), which you can learn more about below.

ADAS technologies are powered by advanced computing, including artificial intelligence (AI), computer vision, and edge computing. This computing power is what makes ADAS technologies more advanced than other safety systems; they can monitor, identify, alert, and sometimes even prevent safety-critical incidents in real time.

Different types of ADAS systems

There are many different types of ADAS technologies—which can make it difficult to understand how they all fit under the larger umbrella of “ADAS.” However, ADAS technologies can generally be categorized into four different types of ADAS systems: adaptive, automated, monitoring, and warning.

Type of ADAS system


Example of ADAS technology


Adaptive systems help vehicles make small adjustments to drive more safely based on data from the surrounding environment.

Adaptive cruise control (ACC) uses radar or laser sensors to detect the distance between vehicles and automatically adjust vehicle speed to maintain an optimal distance.


Automated systems can take over and control the vehicle in case of an impending collision.

Automatic emergency braking (AEB) alerts a driver to an imminent crash and automatically applies the brakes to help avoid a collision.


Monitoring systems use cameras and sensors to provide increased visibility into safety-critical data, like harsh braking, rolling through stops, and collisions.

Traffic sign recognition (TSR) uses advanced camera technology to recognize traffic signs and provide information to drivers or safety managers.


Warning systems are automated, in-cab alerts that help drivers anticipate possible safety risks in real time.

Forward collision warning (FCW) measures the distance, angle, and relative speed between vehicles and other objects in the road to warn drivers of impending collisions with audio alerts.

7 ADAS technologies fleets are adopting

Advancements in ADAS technology are often a result of automotive industry research into self-driving cars. For example, adaptive cruise control (ACC) was developed as a critical component of autonomous driving. Now, these new technologies are being adapted for commercial needs.

New data shows that commercial fleets are increasingly adopting ADAS technologies as they become more relevant, accessible, affordable, and proven to increase commercial fleet safety. A 2018 survey conducted by Fleet Owner and Informa Engage Research asked fleets if they are currently using at least one of the seven ADAS technologies listed below. Across all fleet sizes, the average adoption rate was 40%—with large fleets (those with 50 or more Class 8 vehicles) adopting these technologies at an even higher rate of 74%.

Read on to learn about seven of the most promising ADAS technologies for commercial fleets, based on average adoption rate from a 2018 Fleet Owner survey.




Blind spot monitoring

Blind spot monitoring uses cameras or sensors to detect and warn drivers about objects that are obstructed from the driver’s field of vision. Sensor-based blind spot monitors are often built into the vehicle itself by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). Camera-based blind spot monitors—including exterior cameras attached to the side or rear of a vehicle—can be installed on any commercial vehicle.


Forward video monitoring

Forward video monitoring uses forward-facing dash cams—cameras that attach to a vehicle’s windshield and record the road ahead—to capture real-time driving footage. This footage can be used to coach drivers, reduce high-risk behaviors, and exonerate your drivers from not-at-fault accidents.


Lane departure warning

Lane departure warning (LDW) uses video, laser, or infrared sensors to track lane markings and warn the driver (often using audio or visual alerts) when their vehicle begins to move out of its lane without signaling. Some LDW technologies are also equipped with lane keeping assist (LKA), which can take control of the vehicle to ensure it stays in its lane.


Air disc brakes

Air disc brakes are a type of brake that can apply continuous pressure, making it easier for vehicles to come to a complete stop. Air disc brakes can reduce stopping distance by almost 40%, making them an attractive new technology for fleets with heavy trucks.


Collision avoidance

Collision avoidance is a wide-ranging category of ADAS technologies that can help drivers avoid impending accidents. Two of the most popular collision avoidance technologies are forward collision warning (FCW) and automatic emergency braking (AEB). FCW measures the distance, angle, and relative speed between vehicles or other objects on the road to warn drivers of impending collisions. AEB automatically applies the brakes to help avoid a collision.


Adaptive cruise control

Adaptive cruise control (ACC) uses radar or laser sensors to detect the distance between vehicles and automatically adjust vehicle speed to maintain a safe distance.


Electronic stability control

Electronic stability control (ESC) uses sensors to detect loss of steering control, which can happen after an extreme maneuver (like turning sharply to avoid a collision). ESC automatically applies brakes to individual wheels to help course-correct the vehicle and prevent “spinning out.”


AI dash cams: a highly effective ADAS application for fleets

If you’re interested in investing in ADAS technology to improve the safety of your fleet, you have lots of options to choose from. Where should you start?

In recent years, advancements in ADAS development have led to a new, highly effective ADAS application for commercial vehicles: dash cams equipped with artificial intelligence (AI). For many fleets, AI dash cams are one of the most accessible, affordable, and effective ways to introduce cutting-edge ADAS technology and achieve significant safety improvements.

Here are a few reasons why AI dash cams are one of the most effective applications of ADAS technology for commercial fleets:

  • Get multiple ADAS technologies in one device: AI dash cams allow fleets to benefit from multiple ADAS technologies without having to invest in multiple different devices. With dual-facing cameras that analyze the road and driver behavior in real-time, AI dash cams may offer forward collision warnings (FCW), traffic sign recognition (TSR), and distracted driving detection (DDD)—all in one device.

  • Reduce the frequency and severity of accidents: The National Surface Transportation Safety Center for Excellence (NSTSCE) found that when combined with driver coaching and telematics, dash cams reduced safety-related events (like harsh braking and collisions) by 52%. Another study in the Journal of Safety Research found that dual-facing dash cams—which record both the road ahead and in-cab activity—had an even larger effect: a 60% reduction in accidents and an 86% reduction in accident-related costs.

  • Install in existing vehicles (no need to invest in an all-new fleet): Unlike some ADAS systems that are built into new vehicles by the OEM, dash cams can easily be installed in your existing vehicles or equipment. This makes dash cams uniquely accessible and affordable for commercial fleets that are interested in ADAS but aren’t looking to invest in all-new vehicles.

  • Decrease accident-related costs: AI dash cams pay for themselves by providing real-time video footage that can be used to exonerate drivers on the spot, bypass lengthy claims processes, and eliminate unnecessary payouts. Plus, because dash cams are proven to improve safety and mitigate risk, some insurance providers offer premium discounts, credits, or subsidies for installing AI dash cams and sharing safe driving data.

  • Coach and reward drivers: AI dash cams provide harsh event data and real-time footage that can be used to coach drivers, reducing risky driving behavior. Many fleets also use data from AI dash cams to create a safety-based driver rewards program, which can help foster a safety-first culture and increase retention of your safest drivers.

Interested in how dash cams can improve the safety of your fleet? Samsara offers a complete video-based driver safety solution that is proven to reduce the frequency and severity of accidents. In fact, a recent survey showed that 90% of customers say Samsara helped improve safety within their fleet. Learn more about Samsara AI dash cams or request a free trial today.