F&H Contractors Improves Safety Profile with Samsara and eMaxx
Learn how F&H Contractors partnered with Samsara through the eMaxx insurance captive, improving the safety and efficiency of their operations.

Meet F&H Contractors
Partnership with eMaxx encouraged full safety assessment
F&H Contractors, a specialty contractor for utility companies throughout Florida, is committed to safety. With 12 remote offices, 9 yards, and employees out in the field daily, they were looking for a better way to monitor the safety of their drivers and increase visibility into their fleet operations. In 2021, F&H partnered with eMaxx Assurance Group to join their insurance captive where members share responsibility for risk, are invested in building safer fleets, and install forward-facing dash cams in their vehicles.
Real-time data and visibility reduce risk while increasing efficiency
The eMaxx insurance captive enables members to take charge of their safety and loss prevention efforts and to share best practices. Through the group, F&H discovered new technologies, like Samsara, which improved the safety and efficiency of their operations. By deploying Samsara VGs and CMs, F&H is able to protect their employees and their business by exonerating drivers from false claims, and better understand their risk profiles by gaining more visibility through Samsara data.
Easier claims management and a 50% decrease in accidents
With the learnings and support of eMaxx and their captive group, combined with the ease of use of the Samsara platform, F&H achieved results from day one of their deployment. They saw an immediate difference in their claims management process, along with a 50% reduction in accidents. Mike Giddens, the Fleet Manager at F&H says, “It’s staggering what an improvement we’ve had, how much of a difference this has made financially and safety-wise, especially looking at our defensibility of claims.”