FMCSA regulations: a guide for fleet managers

February 27, 2025

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There are many different FMCSA regulations that commercial motor vehicle operators must follow—including Hours of Service (HOS), drug and alcohol testing, driver vehicle inspection reports (DVIRs), and the Compliance, Safety, and Accountability (CSA) program. Keep reading to learn about these and other important FMCSA regulations, and get tips on staying compliant.

What is the FMCSA?

Headquartered in Washington, DC, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is an agency within the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) that regulates the commercial motor vehicle (CMV) industry. The FMCSA’s primary mission is keeping America’s roadways safe by reducing crashes, injuries, and fatalities with large trucks, buses, and other CMVs. The agency does this by issuing rules and regulations that CMV operators must follow.

How does the FMCSA create and enforce regulations?

FMCSA rulemaking is a complex process. In general, the FMCSA creates new regulations based on nationwide accident and safety data. The agency works with CMV companies to balance federal regulations with concerns about efficiency and privacy, often holding hearings with industry leaders to adapt and update their policies. Regulations issued by FMCSA are published in the Federal Register and compiled in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations. FMCSA regulations are enforced with the help of federal and state law enforcement agencies.

What does the FMCSA regulate?

The FMCSA regulates all aspects of CMV safety fitness, including (but not limited to):

  • How many consecutive hours truckers (and other CMV operators) can drive before taking a break

  • How carriers must conduct pre-employment checks for commercial driver’s license (CDL) drivers

  • How often CMV operators must undergo drug and alcohol testing

  • What materials CDL drivers must always have in their cab

  • How and when CMV operators must inspect their vehicles

  • How shippers must label hazardous materials

  • How cargo must be secured

There are many different federal motor carrier safety regulations (FMCSRs) that the federal government has passed into law. Keep reading for an overview of the most important FMCSA regulations for fleet managers to know about.

Overview of important FMCSA regulations

Below is an overview of the most important FMCSA regulations for motor carriers to understand about safe operation and qualifications of drivers. You can find more information about these regulations (and others) on the FMCSA website: 

Hours of Service (HOS)

The Hours of Service (HOS) final rule regulates the working hours of anyone operating a commercial motor vehicle with a CDL in the United States. Designed to eliminate accidents caused by driver fatigue, the ruling determines the maximum number of consecutive hours a commercial truck driver (or other CMV operators) can drive before taking a mandatory rest break.

Under the ELD mandate, CMV operators are required to use an electronic logging device (ELD) to track their HOS. ELDs, also known as electronic logbooks or e-logs, connect to a vehicle's engine and automatically record driving time, providing a reliable way to collect HOS data. They replace paper logs, which were historically used in the trucking industry to record HOS.

HOS rules are one of the most complicated of all FMCSA regulations. There are many different rules with multiple subparts, including exemptions for adverse driving conditions, emergencies, and more—learn more about the specific HOS rules in our complete guide to HOS. Anyone found to be in violation of the FMCSA’s HOS regulations runs the risk of negatively impacting their carrier's safety rating or even being put out of service for a period of time. 

Compliance, Safety, and Accountability (CSA) program

The FMCSA oversees the CSA program to identify high-risk carriers and prioritize them for interventions, so it’s important for fleet managers to understand how CSA scores work.

To determine CSA scores, the FMCSA groups carriers with similar safety events and assigns each carrier a percentile rank between zero and 100, with lower scores indicating better safety performance. While technically not “scores,” CSA percentiles are commonly referred to as such. Carriers receive a CSA score for each of the seven Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories (BASICs) that are recorded in the FMCSA’s Safety Measurement System (SMS):

  • Unsafe Driving: Operating a commercial vehicle in a dangerous manner, such as speeding, not wearing a seatbelt, or improper lane changing.

  • Crash Indicator: Based on state-reported crash data, this category contains historical patterns of frequency and severity of crash involvement.

  • HOS Compliance: Failing to maintain proper records of duty status (RODS) as they relate to HOS requirements.

  • Vehicle Maintenance: Failing to properly maintain the commercial vehicle, including improper load securement or faulty brakes and lights.

  • Controlled Substances/Alcohol: Operating a commercial vehicle under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.

  • Hazardous Materials Compliance: Handling hazardous materials in an unsafe manner, such as having leaking containers or failing to label hazardous materials accurately.

  • Driver Fitness: Operating a commercial vehicle by an unfit driver, such as lack of a valid CDL or medical card, and failing to maintain driver qualification files.

In general, you want your CSA scores to be as low as possible.The FMCSA sets intervention thresholds for each BASIC, based on the category’s relationship to crash risk. Because the Unsafe Driving, Crash Indicator, and HOS Compliance BASICs have the strongest correlation with crash risk, they have a lower Intervention threshold than the other BASICs. Similarly, passenger carriers and hazardous material carriers have lower intervention thresholds across the board, since the crashes they are involved in typically have more serious consequences.

Carriers with CSA scores greater than 65% in Unsafe Driving, Crash Indicator, and HOS Compliance are subject to FMCSA investigations. For hazardous materials and passenger carriers, the threshold is even lower, at 60% and 50% respectively. The remaining BASIC categories have an 80% threshold for most carriers, after which the FMCSA will intervene.

FMCSA BASIC Intervention Thresholds

BASIC Category

Passenger carriers

Hazardous material carriers

General carriers

Unsafe Driving




Crash Indicator




HOS Compliance




Vehicle Maintenance




Controlled Substances / Alcohol




Driver Fitness




Hazardous Materials Compliance




Carriers with good CSA scores benefit from lower insurance premiums, fewer DOT safety audits and roadside inspections, and a better reputation. Learn more in our complete guide to understanding and improving your CSA score.

Pre-employment checks

Before hiring a new CDL driver, the FMCSA requires that employers conduct a pre-employment background check, which includes:

  • Obtaining the applicant’s motor vehicle records for the past three years

  • Investigating the applicant’s safety record, including their accident history

  • Verifying any substance abuse history, including alcohol or drug violations

  • Conducting a pre-employment drug test

Drug and alcohol testing

The FMCSA mandates drug and alcohol testing for employees who drive commercial trucks and buses that require a CDL. The FMCSA’s drug and alcohol regulations identify who is subject to testing and when. They also specify how testing must be conducted and how employees can return to safety-sensitive duties (like driving a CMV) after they violate a drug or alcohol regulation. 

Per FMCSA regulations, motor carriers are required to conduct drug and alcohol testing before hiring CDL drivers (as part of a pre-employment check), as well as annually. In general, anyone who operates a motor vehicle as part of their job responsibilities can be subjected to drug and alcohol testing in the following situations:

  • Before being hired

  • When there is reasonable suspicion/cause

  • When returning to duty

  • As follow-up to a reported concern

  • After an accident or incident has occurred

  • Randomly

The FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse is an online database that compiles all records of commercial drivers who fail or refuse a drug or alcohol test. Motor carriers are required to use the Clearinghouse to conduct pre-employment and annual driver checks. As of November 2024, the FMCSA now requires state driver licensing agencies to downgrade commercial driving privileges for drivers listed as "prohibited" in the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse due to violations. Approximately 163,000 commercial drivers’ status is currently "prohibited." Affected drivers must initiate the Return-to-Duty process to retain their licenses. 

Vehicle inspections

The FMCSA requires that CMV drivers complete vehicle inspections before operating the vehicle and at the end of the day. These driver vehicle inspection reports (DVIRs) are a critical aspect of fleet compliance. If a safety issue is documented during a DOT inspection, the issue must be repaired before the vehicle can return to the road.

Brakes, lights, tires, axles, horns, steering mechanisms, and emergency equipment (among other components) should all be examined during a DVIR for any damage or defects. If an issue is noted, the vehicle should be removed from service immediately until the necessary repairs are made. In order to return to service, the driver must present signed proof of the repairs from a licensed repair shop.

DVIRs are one of the greatest protections against safety issues in the commercial transportation industry. During the 2024 Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) International Roadcheck, over 9,300 vehicles and 2,200 drivers were placed out of service—this corresponds to an overall vehicle OOS rate of 23% and a driver OOS rate of 4.8%.

Hazardous materials 

According to FMCSA regulations, only registered entities are allowed to participate in the transportation of hazardous materials in the United States. Additionally, in order for the shipment to be valid, all hazardous materials must be classed, described, and packaged in accordance with specific FMCSA hazardous materials regulations. Anyone found in violation of these regulations is subject to both civil and criminal penalties. Employees who handle hazardous materials must also receive adequate training, and it’s the employer’s responsibility to ensure all training efforts meet the standards set by the FMCSA.

Cargo securement

All cargo must be properly secured during transportation as per FMCSA cargo securement rules. This means that all cargo tie-downs must be properly fastened, chocks and wedges must be used to prevent rolling or movement, and the appropriate number of tie-downs must be used in accordance with weight requirements. It is also mandatory that loads do not obscure front or side views and that there are no packaging issues (like broken pallets or insufficient wrapping).

Lastly, it is not enough to simply ensure that a vehicle’s cargo tank is secured. Tailgates, doors, spare tires, and any other elements that can become dislodged during travel must be adequately attached to meet FMCSA regulations.

Record keeping

There is a significant amount of paperwork required to run a fleet that is compliant with DOT and FMCSA regulations. Some of the various documents and safety information that your fleet needs to have on hand in case of an audit include (but are not limited to):

  • Proof of insurance and registration information

  • Motor vehicle reports

  • Drug testing records

  • Driver rosters and driver qualification files

  • Service provider contracts

  • Hours of service records

  • Vehicle inspection, maintenance, and repair reports

  • Employee training records

  • Incident and accident reports

  • Quarterly IFTA reports

The amount of time a business is required to keep these documents on file can vary depending on the type of record. Learn more in this overview of FMCSA recordkeeping requirements.

Who must follow FMCSA regulations?

All commercial motor vehicle operators—including large fleets and small businesses—are regulated by the FMCSA. This includes not just trucking companies, but also bus companies, construction companies, and any other business that operates commercial vehicles or hires commercial drivers.

However, that doesn’t mean that all CMV operators across the motor carrier industry have to follow the same regulations. FMCSA regulations vary depending on a number of factors, including the types of vehicles you operate, what you transport, and how far you typically drive.

If you operate any of the following types of CMVs in interstate commerce, you must comply with the applicable FMCSA safety regulations. This applies to vehicles that:

  • Have a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,001 pounds or more

  • Transport hazardous materials in a quantity requiring a hazardous material placard

  • Transport 16 or more passengers, including the driver, without compensation

  • Transport 9 or more passengers, including the driver, for compensation

The specific Hours of Service rules and other regulations that you must follow may depend on additional factors, including your area of operation and what you’re transporting.

3 tips to keep your fleet compliant with FMCSA regulations

FMCSA regulations are complicated—but staying compliant doesn’t have to be a headache. Here are three ways the most efficient fleets stay compliant while reducing administrative overhead.

1. Invest in an easy-to-use ELD solution

During roadside inspections or an audit, you’ll want to be confident that your HOS logs are accurate, complete, and easy to access. That’s why it’s so important to choose an ELD solution that’s easy for drivers and compliance managers to use. 

Samsara’s ELD compliance solution offers an FMCSA-registered ELD and user-friendly Driver App that works with any Android or iOS device. With built-in WiFi hotspots, Samsara eliminates the need for cellular data plans to keep your fleet compliant, even in areas without cellular reception. Plus, Samsara also offers a Compliance Dashboard, giving your back office visibility into HOS violations, unidentified driving, and unassigned hours. This helps you easily monitor compliance across your fleet and avoid future violations. 

2. Go paperless using electronic DVIRs

If you’re still using paper DVIRs, now is the time to switch to digital. Because electronic DVIRs (or eDVIRs) are digital, they make it easier to stay compliant with FMCSA regulations related to maintenance and vehicle safety. 

Using the Samsara Driver App, drivers can submit eDVIRs from their mobile device so they instantly appear in your online dashboard and sit alongside preventive maintenance schedules, maintenance logs, and real-time vehicle statuses. Mechanics can then prioritize the most urgent issues and sign the eDVIR for the next driver to verify, completing the FMCSA requirement. With Samsara, you can even set up alerts for unsafe DVIRs, so you never let a vehicle safety issue fall through the cracks.

3. Keep your CSA scores low with dash cams

The FMCSA uses their CSA program to identify high-risk carriers and intervene. One of the best ways to avoid FMCSA intervention is to keep your CSA scores low—and dash cams can help.

Samsara AI Dash Cams provide increased visibility and in-cab coaching for risky driving behavior (like speeding, distracted driving, and tailgating), enabling you to double down on training and prevent accidents. Plus, Samsara AI Dash Cams auto-upload incident footage to the cloud, making it easy to exonerate your drivers from not-at-fault accidents and avoid unnecessary marks to your CSA scores.

Learn how Samsara can help your fleet mitigate risk and stay compliant with FMCSA regulations.

Learn about Samsara for compliance