Life At Samsara

Employee Spotlight: How the Inside Sales Team Maintains their Connection While Working Remotely

September 23, 2021

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Like so many others, we at Samsara have had to adjust how we work during the pandemic. We value the collaboration that comes from working alongside our teammates, so have found ways to stay connected and be there for each other. During this adjustment, we’ve remained highly productive (even being named the second-fastest growing company in the Americas according to Financial Times). 

We recently spoke to inside sales manager Setahrae Javanbakht, who became a manager at Samsara right before the pandemic started. She shares what she does to ensure our sales culture thrives, even while the team is working remotely.

Q: Let’s start with some background: What do you do at Samsara?

I manage an inside sales team. What I love most about my job is that we get to work closely with customers from every segment, every industry. It’s really inspiring to take a look behind the curtain and see exactly how these types of businesses power our economy—from the goods that arrive at our front door to the water that we drink.

And our role is to help these operations that do so much for us. Our easy-to-use solutions transform their business in ways they never could have imagined, allowing them to be more cutting-edge. 

We are truly selling more than products, we are selling a vision—one that helps the customer grow and change. I enjoy getting in front of our customers and hearing about their challenges, the future goals of their business, and then finding a way that Samsara can help enable them to reach those goals.

inside sales team

Q: What kind of culture makes for a successful sales team?

I think the best teams are made up of people who are willing to share their knowledge with others on the team. In sales, there definitely are a lot of “lone wolves” out there, and while it’s great to work independently, it’s also important to collaborate. 

I always tell my team, “We have 15 years of sales experience just on this team.” There is a depth of expertise among our team: selling to a certain type of persona, selling a certain use case, or a certain product.

As a manager, my goal is to empower each person to share that expertise with the rest of the team, in order to make the whole team stronger. That kind of teamwork is essential to building a successful sales team.

At the end of the day, it's not just about that individual’s numbers, it's about how this team is going to do within the region, the segment, the entire company. We’re all invested in that, so I always am trying to foster that.

inside sales team

Q: Why do you think investing in your team culture is so important?

You have to have fun at work. No matter where you work, I think you have to prioritize a positive culture because you spend so much time with the people you work with. That opportunity to bond makes the synergy better, you enjoy showing up every day, and you enjoy the work that you're doing.

On that note, another thing that we are prioritizing on our team is making sure people take time off for their mental health. I love that our CEO, Sanjit Biswas, designated the Friday before Labor Day weekend a company-wide mental health day. That comes from the top down. 

I've let my team know from the beginning of the pandemic that they are always allowed to take a personal day if they need it. If they wake up and are just burnt out, my team can just send me a text—no questions asked—so they can take that day off to reset. 

I like to make sure they know that that option is always there in case there is something going on.

That way they know that if they need to pull back, they can pull back, and when they are at work they can be ready to hit it, work together, and reach our goals.

I also try to set that example for them. I work hard and perform, but if I need to pull back for a week or a long weekend I can still come back to work and thrive. 

Q: Now that we’re working in a flexible work environment, how do you maintain your strong sales culture?

I became a manager right before our office went remote due to COVID. That was definitely daunting. We were all figuring it out in those first few months, but I knew I could do it.

The leaders that I’ve admired—within and outside of Samsara—always seem to have an authentic management style. So, I tried to stay aligned with that. No one is going to manage exactly the way I do, so I decided to just bring my full authentic self to my leadership style.

For example, at the beginning of the pandemic when no one could get together, I sent everyone my favorite cookies from New York. Everyone loved it! Other people started asking me about the cookies. It was a great way to let the team know we care. So, we kept it going. Sometimes we would do something as simple as sending everyone a DoorDash gift card and getting on a Zoom to have team lunch together. Other times we would get more creative. For example, we booked a virtual class on how to make homemade mozzarella. 

inside sales team

When restrictions opened up a bit, we started to host some in-person gatherings safely outdoors: we would go to the park and get sandwiches from my favorite Italian deli in the city. I brought a music player and told everyone to bring blankets and come hang out. Once people got vaccinated, I drove my team to Napa where we hosted a lunch and winery visit. 

This year my team took the ferry to Sausalito from San Francisco. We spent the afternoon at a waterfront restaurant enjoying each other's company over delicious bites and a beautiful view of the bay. During our meal, one of our reps received a purchase order for a deal he had been working for a while and we were all able to celebrate him in person, which was great!

I also try to keep a little bit of extra budget for spiffs. For example, whoever generates the most leads, or whoever gets the most amount of trials in these next couple of weeks would win a gift card.

But it’s not just me, our broader sales organization puts together fun competitions. In fact, my team recently won a spiff for improving our sales process—$1,500 towards a team event. I am so proud of them! My colleagues have hosted creative activities recently, too. One team played a round of mini-golf together and another hosted a virtual cooking class.

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